Nature Trail of Reconciliation

The Catholic Nature Trail of Reconciliation Preface “Ever since thecreation of the world, the invisible existence of God and his everlasting power have been clearly seen by the mind's understanding of created things. And so these people have no excuse:” (Romans 1:20) Leading frenzied lives in the crowded city of Hong Kong, pursuing desires, shouldering the burdens of life and all worldly things, without our noticing, these have become layers sealing off our heart, removing us away from God and Nature, and even from our own families and neighbours. Lack of respect for and a separation from Nature, cold indifference and damages made to the environment, lack of love for the family, these are all causes that have made us become unfeeling. To rebuild relationships with people, Nature and God, the crucial step is to regain the sense of “Love”. The Design of “The Catholic Nature Trail of Reconciliation”: The theme of the Catholic Nature Trail of Reconciliation is “To Listen". Through appreciating the natural environment of Yim Tin Tsai and peacefully listening to the sounds it makes, we find a way into the cluttered mind, one layer after another and a chord is struck deep in our hearts. Participants can experience again the true, good and beautiful love of God. Learning about the rich history of missionary works in YimTin Tsai and treading on the same grounds where the missionaries have left their beautiful marks, we review our present and also our life of faith, reconcile with people, Nature and God, learn to renew and establish a close, harmonious and socially inclusive society. We start the Nature Trail with an opening prayer at the St. Joseph’s Chapel, followed by a journey to 8 stations starting at the tree by the side entrance to the Chapel, until we reach the pavilion on top of the hill, with Bible reading, meditation, singing and prayers outdoors, and ending with a closing prayer at the St. Joseph’s Chapel upon our return.